Thursday, October 20, 2011

Going Paperless - How to Start and Establish My Paperless Office

!±8± Going Paperless - How to Start and Establish My Paperless Office

If you have a small business office or home office, chances are you have paper documents stacked (or scattered) on your desk, in folders, binders, inboxes, shoe boxes and probably a large bulky file cabinet or two. With today's computer technology, now is the time to establish and move towards a "Paperless Office". Here's how your small business or home office can get started in "going paperless".

At bare minimum, the "tools" you will need are a computer (or laptop) and a document scanner. Depending on the available storage you have on your computer, you may want to add additional hard-drive space either through an external or internal hard drive.

Next you should define a well-designed folder structure (directory structure on your computer) that will give you a simple and logical organization of where you store your electronic documents. Having all your files in one directory, or in a poorly thought out directory structure will quickly make your paperless office confusing and inefficient.

Second, you need to define a standard file-naming convention. This file-naming standard will be used for every document you scan into your computer. If you do not have a consistent way of naming your files, then as your paperless office grows, you will have a difficult time finding documents and managing your files.

Once you have your tools (computer and document scanner), and you've defined your folder structure and file-naming standards, you are ready to start managing your paperless office. I recommend focusing on current documentation first. Start with current papers cluttering your desk and inbox. Start scanning them into your computer, name your documents according to your file-naming convention and save them in the appropriate folders. Now enjoy shredding and/or recycling that physical paper document.

Once you have cleared your desk and inbox, you can begin the scanning and recycling process with the rest of your hard-copy documents. You will still need a small file cabinet or some physical storage in your office for critical and important "original" hard-copy documents. You probably do not want to shred the title to your cars or your birth certificates. But you will be amazed at how much physical space you can free up and how much clutter you can get rid of when you go paperless in your small and home office.

Going Paperless - How to Start and Establish My Paperless Office

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Saturday, October 15, 2011

Fujitsu Scansnap S1500 Document Scanner - The Best Way To Go Paperless

!±8± Fujitsu Scansnap S1500 Document Scanner - The Best Way To Go Paperless

The Fujitsu Scansnap s1500 document scanner is a good way to clean up all of those documents that is important, but are cluttering up your home or office. This scanner will allow you to keep those important documents while at the same time keeping your work area neat and clean.

The features of this scanner not only let you de-clutter the area of paper, but it makes it easy and orderly as well. Find out where you can get a good deal on this machine.

How The Fujitsu Scansnap s1500 Scanner Benefits You

The main benefit to you is that this machine practically works on its own. Once you load it up and push the button you can set back and let it work it's magic. It has a 50-page automatic document feeder and paper feed detection so you can load in documents of different sizes with no problem.

With the one button searchable PDF creation, and the Adobe Acrobat 9 Standard that it comes with your documents can be saved as one neat PDF file.

Another benefit for you is the speed and accuracy of this machine. It scans up to twenty double-sided pages per minute and that paper-feed detection I mentioned earlier allows it to detect the page size and coloration of the documents and that includes black and white documents. This machine makes sure that your copies are true to the originals.

This scanner makes scanning so easy for you. It automatically rotates, crops and de-skews documents and you can set it to automatically increase the resolution of small documents to make it easy for you to see the finer print.

What Owners Of The Fujitsu Scansnap s1500 Document Scanner Thought

One of the big points a lot of owners talked about was the speed in which it scans documents. It was also pointed out that because it scans both sides of a document at the same time at 20 pages a minute that it's more like 40 pages a minute.

The quality of the scans also stood out. Some even mentioned that even though this was a document scanner, it also did very good photo scans. The one button operation was a huge hit for most. Some folks mentioned how they shoved different size documents of different orientations and colors (including black & white) and how they scanned perfectly without them doing any thing more than pushing a button.

They even loved the fact that it didn't take much room even though some were surprised at the small size of the machine.

My Conclusion

As you know there are pros and cons with all things. I told you about the pros so here are some of the cons. One thing is that even though the scanner can hold 40-50 sheets the output tray will sometimes start to jam after a 20 to 25 sheet feed.

The feeder has a tendency to double feed at times so the documents have to be placed in gently. The scanner doesn't have a TWAIN driver, so you can't scan through programs like Photoshop or CorelDraw and some folks don't like that.

Though these cons are a bit of a nuisance most owners consider them very miner and worth going through when compared with the positive of the Fujitsu Scansnap s1500 document scanner.

Fujitsu Scansnap S1500 Document Scanner - The Best Way To Go Paperless

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Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Going Paperless - How to Get Rid of More Clutter by Storing Product Manuals in Your Paperless Office

!±8± Going Paperless - How to Get Rid of More Clutter by Storing Product Manuals in Your Paperless Office

It keeps on paper manuals and product manuals in your home or office, if you need to refer to later? "Dude ... this is so lame and yesterday." Clean your home and office, clear the clutter and fresh and hip, using the product manuals in your "paperless office".

You will find most manuals and instructions, if not all products related literature on the production of web pages as a PDF electronic document. The management of the entire productmanuals electronically is another great way to reduce paper clutter, and will help you quickly and easily find product instructions at the time you need them.

I have successfully found and downloaded product support literature from even really old products that I bought well before the Web was even around.

Here is a "de-cluttering home and office cleaning project". It will not only help get rid of unnecessary paper clutter, but the next time you need a particular product manual, you will be able to find it fast and hassle-free.

1. Go around the house and office and collect every product manual you find.

2. Throw out the manuals for products you no longer have.

3. Go to the company's website and search for the manuals you need. Most sites have an easy way to find their products and related support information.

4. Download the manuals into a well-organized location on your computer, so it will be easy to find later when you need them.

5. If you cannot locate a product manual on the Internet, then you should scan it with a document scanner.

6. After you store each manual into your "paperless office", you can comfortably recycle and discard it.

There are many reasons and benefits to going paperless throughout your home and office. And focusing on all your product manual instructions is another way to clear out paper clutter while helping you get more organized and efficient throughout your home and office.

Going Paperless - How to Get Rid of More Clutter by Storing Product Manuals in Your Paperless Office

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Friday, October 7, 2011

Paperless Office Best Practices - Define a Naming Convention Standard For Your Paperless Office

!±8± Paperless Office Best Practices - Define a Naming Convention Standard For Your Paperless Office

The concept of the paperless office is a reality. And with today's technology is cheaper and easier to reach even a small home office. To maintain the success of "paperless office", it is important for you to establish a simple naming convention for all your electronic documents. If you follow a well-defined naming convention, it is easier to find documents, use again and again and stay paperless office.

A naming convention is simply a well-structuredIt set the standard for electronic documents. Keep things simple and you can understand logically, so that anyone can easily access your documents, and follow your naming guidelines.

For example, a simple and logical name are the bills for your home:

[Date]. [Company]. [Type]. Pdf

With this convention, you can share your captured "bill" statements have the following fileName:

2010_01_01.ComEd.bill.pdf 2010_01_15.Verizon.bill.pdf 2009_12_15.Verizon.contract.pdf

Immediately, only to look at the file name, you can say that these documents are the electricity bills and telephone bills. You can also immediately identify the dates for each statement invoice. In the last example, you can quickly see that this is the agreement "contract" with your phone service.

This is just a simple example of a naming convention. WhenDefine your own naming standards, maintain a structure that best support as you think and organize your office.

And not for the stress on your naming structure perfectly at first. The nice thing about a paperless office with all your documents in electronic format (copy) files on your computer you can easily change your standards and naming tree of folders in the future.

I recommend the "data" used in the first part of the file, andFormat as [YYYY_MM_DD]. Use the full [four-digit year], then [two-digit month] and [two-digit day]. Following this special format for dates before all the file names, then you have the opportunity to view the file, the type of "name", so you have another way to quickly get your documents in chronological order within each folder.

How to develop and maintain your paperless office for the simple naming convention, along with a logical and well-defined"The tree of folders" will go a long way to keep your electronic documents organized and efficient.

Paperless Office Best Practices - Define a Naming Convention Standard For Your Paperless Office

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Sunday, October 2, 2011

Duplex scanner can not be the best "best"

!±8± Duplex scanner can not be the best "best"

To achieve when working on a paperless workplace or at home, it is impossible to deny the benefits of a robust and feature full-duplex-scanner. And I've always been an idea of ​​what these additional features you can use only one or two times in advance. It 's always better to have what you need at hand, although not very often.

But this does not mean that the duplex scanner best for you is the most expensive model that can do everything.

The first and most importantStep in deciding which scanner to buy, will provide support for the current paper, but to determine what exactly are your scanning needs, although, as mentioned above, some of these needs are not very common.

Of course, the scanner should be able to handle documents in standard format, which means not to seek an identity document or special commercial scanners. Maybe, but with the possibility of photo ID, business cards and scan everything you need from time to time. In this case, make sure thatScanner you choose, has this feature. It is not just a photo-scanner capable of kicking. If you have never and will never scan a photo, save money and get a scanner that is not to do justice.

The same is true for large document scanners, which opens up the processing of such newspapers. If you can legally say that you should have for this feature from time to time, then by all means, there is a large document scanner. Otherwise, go with a cheaperModel.

Ensuring that our duplex scanner is feature-rich is a good thing, but you can go overboard and spend the money that you regret later.

That said, you make sure that the only thing you want to do your new feature duplex scanner. This is what we talk all the time, after all. Almost every decent-sided document scanners is these days more or less the same price simplex scanner, so there's no reason they can not obtain, even ifYou can not scan double-sided documents very often.

The huge selection of scanners out there can be daunting for someone just looking for a simple piece of hardware in order to organize them. But with some careful planning you can ensure that you are going to the scanner, all you have to do is, at a price that will not break the bank.

Duplex scanner can not be the best "best"

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